

I'm just another mom, trying my best not to be basic.

| #MOMBOSS | An Interview with Britt Holton, Founder of Lark & Lux

| #MOMBOSS | An Interview with Britt Holton, Founder of Lark & Lux

In this edition of Mom Boss, I’m doing something a bit different. My scheduled interview fell through at the last minute, so I’m taking a leap and sharing my own journey into Entrepreneurship. I’m still firmly in the side-hustle camp, but like anything, your life is what you choose to make it, and for now, this works.

Maternity leave, for a Type A busybody such as myself, is a challenge on top of learning to mother. I no longer had the external pre-occupation with doing for the sake of doing or raising my hand for opportunity for the sake of accolades. My greatest opportunity lay snoozing on my chest, snuggled in the Sollywrap as we bustled about, or attached to my breast for hours on end. To say the pace was slower is an understatement.

In all these hours of sitting, and staring, and cuddling, my brain was whirring at a rapid pace. Like all new moms, I had encountered countless problems I didn’t even know existed before motherhood. The most challenging of which was how to dress my postpartum body for both motherhood and pre-motherhood activities while carrying on with the motherly task of breastfeeding on demand.

On one hand, it seems silly to complain about what to wear when you’re doing this important work. What you wear isn’t connected to the task, but only to your emotional well-being and sense of self. Is this even worthy of a second thought? Yes, 100%, yes. Hear this- Moms, how you feel about yourself is refelcted in your ability to mother your children.  When you feel like your best self, you mother your best. 

What started with a few (embarrassingly bad, very rudimentary, toddler-hopped-up-on-Mountain-Dew-esque) sketches, and some brave conversations with my mom friends, has now turned into a full fledged side-hustle.

I am my own Mom Boss…with a day job. 

So, what exactly do I do?

I’ve founded Lark & Lux, a clothing brand for moms, at all stages of motherhood. We specialize in dresses made for living, playing, and breastfeeding, while allowing moms to feel confident and fashion forward in any situation.  

While I hesitate to call myself an entrepreneur (yet!), this business has grown from the most essential need, a problem my girlfriends and I shared at the most transitional point in our lives. Through care, research, trial and error, tears, frustration, joy, and open conversation with many MANY friends and strangers alike, I’m proud of what I’ve built so far and continue to build every single day.  Stay tuned, awesome shit is coming! 

Moms, are you thinking about starting your own business? Let's Chat! 

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